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Year 2

Miss Davies (Class Teacher)

Mrs MacFarlane, Mrs Gourlay and Mrs Talley (Support Staff)

Summer 2024

Year 2 have a very busy term ahead, with lots of engaging projects.

In English, the children have been writing their own quest stories.  They loved coming up with the challenges their characters could face on their journeys.  They have also been exploring poetry, The Eagle by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  After half term, Year 2 will be exploring the work of Anthony Browne as well as explaining the life cycle of plants.
In Maths, Year 2 have been building on their knowledge of fractions.  They have enjoyed learning to tell the time and have been working very hard to tell the time to 5 minutes.  They will be interpreting and recording data as well as exploring position and direction later in the term.
In Science, we have continued our unit on plants.  The class have been exploring the different conditions plants need to grow.  They have conducted an experiment to find which are the most important – make sure to have a look at the plants growing in our garden window!  After half term, the children will be building on their knowledge of animals, exploring living things and their habitats.
In History, Year 2 have been learning all about significant British monarchs.  They have explored how the role of a monarch has changed over three different historical periods as well as how life has changed during these times.  After half term, we will be moving onto Geography and comparing the physical and human geography of Cairo to that of London.
In RE, we have been learning all about the Easter story and Christian beliefs about this.  The children have been able to retell the story, choose significant events and explain their meanings and interpretations.  After half term, we will be revisiting Islam and finding out about the importance of the Qur’an to Muslims.
In PE, Year 2 have been developing and practising their cricket skills.  They have enjoyed exploring all of the different roles to play in the game.  After half term they will be practising different athletic disciplines, ready for sports day.
In Computing, the children have been working in groups to develop and make their own stop motion animations. It was tricky to make the tiny movements, but because of their hard work and focus, every animation looks fantastic!  After half term, they will take on the role of zoologists by recording and presenting data.

In PSHE, Year 2 have been exploring the relationships they have with people at home, school and out of school.  They have explored the positive behaviour they can show towards each other and the people they can trust if they have worries.  After half term, the children will be exploring changes, as they prepare for Year 3.

Spring 2024

Year 2 returned after Christmas and their fantastic Nativity performance ready to begin lots of interesting new topics.

In English, the children have been exploring non-chronological reports, researching, writing and illustrating their own reports all about sharks.  We will then be looking at poetry.  Exploring a wide range of creative and descriptive vocabulary that we will use to wrote our own innovative poems.  Later in the term, we will be revisiting recounts – writing diary entries, and instruction writing.

In Maths, Year 2 have been learning all about money.  They have been applying their knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve problems including giving change.  We will then be focusing on multiplication and division (the children have been working very hard learning their 2 times table facts) and measurements, including length, mass and temperature.

In Science, Year 2 have continued their work on Animals Including Humans, where they have been exploring how to stay healthy.  They have conducted their own investigations including looking at how exercise effects their heart rate and how best to keep their hands clean.  Later in the term they will be exploring the life cycles and growth of plants, including what they need to grow.

In History, we have been learning about how communication has changed throughout history.  From Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, all the way up to the invention of the World Wide Web.  The children have really enjoyed having a go at communicating with each other using the different writing systems and codes.  Year 2 are particularly looking forward to their trip to Bletchley park, where they will be exploring Morse code and the important work that took place on the site during WWII.  In Geography, Year 2 will be exploring weather, investigating how it changes with the seasons.  They will conduct their own investigations into the weather experienced on our school site.

In Art, we have been exploring ‘Expressive Painting’.  In this unit we have been looking at the work of lots of different artists and using their techniques to create our own landscapes.  The children have really enjoyed the freedom they have had to paint in a way that expresses their own thoughts and feelings.  In DT we will be focusing on cooking, testing, making and evaluating pizzas.  The children are really excited to make their own pizzas at the end of term.

In RE, we have been exploring the Islamic religious world view.  We have been learning about why Allah is important to Muslims and how they show him respect.

In PSHE, Year 2 have been exploring their Dreams and Goals.  They have been exploring their aspirations for the future and how they can achieve these goals.  Later in the term, they will be exploring how they can work to live a healthy and happy life.

In Music, we have been exploring our personal and emotional responses to music and how we can use music to tell a story.

In PE, the children have been developing their skills working individually and in teams, through gymnastics and invasion games.

We look forward to welcoming family and friends to Manland, showing all the hard work Year 2 have been doing this term, in our class assembly.

Autumn 2023

The children in Year 2 returned to school ready and excited for the new year ahead of them.  In English, we are exploring traditional tales, where the children have been rewriting the story of Rapunzel with exciting twists.  We will also be completing writing activities which link to other areas of our curriculum, including a recount of the events of the Great Fire of London.

In Maths, the children have been learning about place value, making and recognising the 10s and 1s in a number.  We will then start to apply this knowledge to addition and subtraction before exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes.

In Science, Year 2 have been exploring everyday materials, identifying their properties and recognising what materials are suitable to different uses.  The children will then be investigating humans and other animals, exploring what they need to survive.

In History, the children have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London, including how it started and how it was finally stopped.  The children have particularly enjoyed sharing their own knowledge of the time and comparing the past to the present.  We will then be moving on to our Geography topic, which builds on our work in History.  In Geography, we will be learning about London, developing map skills and recognising significant locations in the city.

In Art, Year 2 have been conducting artist research on Vincent Van Gogh.  The children have been able to explore his work and the way it makes them feel, as well as having a go at making their own versions.  The children even had a go at making their own paint, just like Van Gogh!  In the second half term, the children will be learning all about puppets in DT.  Using textiles to design and make their own hand puppets.

In PE, the children have been developing their ball and movement skills, which they have enjoyed applying to lots of different games.

In RE, Year 2 have been exploring kindness and what Jesus taught his followers about being kind, through stories from the Bible.  They will later be exploring the Christmas story and why Christians believe Jesus was a gift from God.

In PSHE,  Year 2 have been learning about responsibility and exploring the rewards and consequences our actions could bring.  In the second half term, the children will be learning about differences and how they can support others when they are not treated fairly.

Summer 2023

Welcome back for the final term of Year 2 and Key Stage 1! We will be working hard throughout this term building up to our assessments during May. There will also be Sports Day and School Photo Day to look forward to.  

 In English, we will study quest stories and write our own stories following an inspirational journey. We will study classic poetry and write our own poems inspired by ‘The Eagle’. We will look at the work of Anthony Browne and write our own version of one of his stories and we will create an explanation text detailing the life cycle of a plant.   

In Maths, we will use the cumulative knowledge we have built over the first 3 years of primary school to solve problems using all four functions. We will also develop our understanding of halves, thirds and quarters and learn to tell the time. 

In History we will learn all about the history of the monarchy, focusing on three famous monarchs: Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I. We will consider the role of the monarchy in 2023 and how it has changed since Queen Elizabeth I’s days. 

In Geography we are taking a trip to exotic Cairo. We will learn about the human and physical geographical features of the city and how despite being in a totally different climate, it bears some striking similarities to our own capital city. 

In Art we are learning about architectural art and creating our own architectural models..  

In Computing we’ll be learning about stop motion animation and creating our own animations to tell a simple story.  


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