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Friends of Manland

On this page, you can learn more about Friends of Manland and find out how you can take part:

July 2024 Newsletter

FOM Newsletter July 2024

Make a Donation

We are very much aware of the financial challenges facing families currently and understand that many will not be able to provide additional financial support in the current climate.  We would like to assure that all donations are entirely voluntary and confidential.

However, if you feel you can help, please click on the donate button…

You can become a regular donor to Friends of Manland by signing up online to the direct debit scheme or make a one-off donation to FOM each term or each academic year. Once again, we would like to express our thanks for the generosity shown to Friends of Manland. Your support is essential, without it the school would struggle to provide these key resources which are an important part of our children’s education.

With sincere thanks,

Friends of Manland Trust

Hayley Sargeant, Sarah Rowley, Emily Hindell and Gareth Antcliff and Nicola Jacks

Recent Updates

Laptops for Learners Appeal

Thanks to the generosity of Manland Families in supporting the Laptops for Learners Appeal we have now been able to cover the cost of 15 brand new laptops, a trolley for storing and charging them and all set up and installation costs. The laptops are already in place and have transformed the delivery of computing lessons in the school. Both staff and pupils are absolutely delighted with their arrival! Funds continue to come in via JustGiving from processing gift aid and it seems likely we will be able provide Manland with additional resources to support the delivery of computing within the school. We shall liaise with school leaders next term to discuss how else FOM might be able to help. Thank you all so much for your support.

How have FOM funds been used to support Manland recently?

In the last school financial year (1 April 2022 – March 31st 2023) FOM made the following donations to the school:

Could You Be a Friend of Manland?

As trustees we continue to be amazed by the generosity shown by many families in supporting Friends of Manland and the school, both through the direct debit scheme and through one-off donations to our additional campaigns. However, the school continues to face significant financial challenges and we would be so grateful if you would consider becoming a donor. Currently 57 out of 146 Manland families contribute to FOM regularly via direct debit. The average contribution per family is £20 per month. Our current annual income through the direct debit scheme sits at around £14,200.


If more families join the direct debit scheme we will be able to refurbish the classrooms to the standard of the new library and, importantly,help the school fund educational resources so that its core funding can be used to safeguard classroom staff. You can sign up to the scheme by clicking on the donate icon below.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please chat to one of the FOM parent trustees: Hayley Sargeant, Sarah Rowley, Emily Hindell and Nicola Jacks.

About Friends of Manland

Friends of Manland or “FOM” is a registered charity which was launched by parents/carers/governors in 2017 in response to financial challenges faced by Manland (in common with all schools). Manland’s income per pupil has dropped significantly over recent years, yet at the same time costs are rising in real terms.

The School Leadership Team have worked hard, together with the Governors, to find ways of making savings, for example by finding cheaper suppliers and developing ways of working more efficiently. They have also implemented new ways of supplementing the school’s income, for example by hiring out the school premises outside school hours. But these measures only go so far.

To preserve the quality of education for children at Manland, additional revenue streams are needed. Friends of Manland’s charitable purpose is “…to advance the education of the pupils of Manland Primary School in Harpenden by providing or assisting in the provision of education, recreational and other charitable facilities or resources not required to be provided or financed by the Local Education Authority or the Department for Education.”

We invite all Manland families to consider making regular donations to Friends of Manland by Direct Debit or by making a one-off donation if you prefer. These donations are entirely voluntary and anonymous: the administration is handled with discretion by office staff (who already deal with other types of confidential information). Other school staff, governors, parents and carers will not know who has contributed to the scheme or how much they have given. All children will continue to be offered the same opportunities as their peers, regardless of their family’s contributions.

Former projects

Since 2019 FOM funds have been donated to the school to pay for

  • New laptops for all teachers
  • New PHSE scheme ‘Jigsaw’
  • New interactive learning boards in all classrooms
  • New vehicle and pedestrian security gates to improve safeguarding
  • New laptops for pupils
  • Provision of a learning mentor in school
  • Complete refurbishment of the school library
  • In additional we provided the school with a £7000 ‘cost of living crisis’ grant to support the school during a period of unprecedented financial pressures.

The Role of Trustees

Trustees meet on a quarterly basis to discuss how to advance the aims of the FOM. These meetings are attended by the Head and decisions on how funds will be used are taken by the Trustees following close consultation with the Head. In addition, one of the trustees is a school governor.

How you can contribute

You will find a Direct Debit form here which can be filled out and returned to the school office. You can also enclose a cheque for a one off payment, made payable to ”Friends of Manland”. >Alternatively, you can donate by clicking on the donate button:

Donations will be held in a separate bank account from normal school funds. See more details below in our FAQs section. Remember, as a charity FOM can claim gift aid on your contributions if you are a UK taxpayer, thereby maximising the amount of your donations.


Q – Is contributing to FOM compulsory or expected? A – Absolutely not. Contributions to FOM are entirely voluntary. Families should make their own decisions based on their individual financial and ideological positions.

Q – Are contributions to FOM anonymous? A – Yes. Contributions to the charity will be anonymous. The administration will be handled by the office staff, applying the same principles of privacy and confidentiality that are applicable to all the personal information they handle.

Q – Will my child be disadvantaged if we do not contribute? A – No. All children and families will be treated exactly the same, regardless of whether they have made contributions or not. As contributions are anonymous, neither teaching staff, nor Governors, nor parents will be aware of who has contributed and who has not.

Q – Do contributions need to be regular? A – Contributions made in any way will always be welcome. Families may choose to contribute regularly by Direct Debit. In addition, one off payments will also be gratefully received. You can cancel or change your contribution at any time.

Q – How is FOM different to the work carried out by the HSA? A – It may seem that there is some overlap between this charity and the work of the HSA, in that both raise funds primarily from Manland families, for the purpose of providing ‘optional extras’ for the school. Friends of Manland aims to complement the work carried out by the HSA and is not intended to replace the HSA by any means. FOM recognises the fantastic work of the HSA; both in terms of the extra money raised and also the strengthening of our school community by bringing families together to socialise and work towards a common goal.

Q – How is the money raised by FOM used? A – The Trustees work with the Headteacher to determine priorities for investing money raised, subject to the charitable objects of the charity as agreed with the Charity Commission.

Q – Who are the Trustees? A – Current trustees are Hayley Sargeant, Sarah Rowley, Gareth Antcliff, Emily Hindell and Nicola Jacks. FOM is always looking for new trustees and/or for volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please let the school office know.

Q – Do contributors get to have a say in how the money raised is invested? A –The Trustees have discretion to decide how the money will be spent. They will take into account requests from the school and suggestions from parents, and make grants in accordance with the Trust’s charitable object. As contributions are anonymous and it would be difficult to involve contributors in decision making. Of course, the school is always open to dialogue with all parents and carers if they see an unmet need which they believe should be prioritised for investment, but this is not linked to specific contributions.

Q – Will we still need to pay for school trips and visits? A – The school will continue to ask for parental contributions towards the cost of special curriculum-related activities such as these. Just as they have always been, these will be voluntary, to ensure that no child is excluded from an activity due to their family’s financial position.

Q – Can the FOM receive Gift Aid on contributions? A – Yes. As FOM has charitable status, it is able to claim Gift Aid from UK Tax Payers. Please complete the Gift Aid section of the Direct Debit form if appropriate. If you make a one-off payment, you will be sent a different Gift Aid form to complete.

Q – How do we cancel or change our Direct Debit contributions? A – You may cancel or change your Direct Debit contributions at any time by contacting the school office. When your youngest child leaves the school we will send you a letter asking if you wish to continue making contributions. If we do not hear from you, the default will be that your payments will continue at the current level.

Q – I have more questions! Who should I contact? A – Please leave a note at the school office or email Your question will be passed on to the Trustees for a response.

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