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Upcoming Events



About the HSA

The HSA (Home & School Association) organises a variety of events around the school providing both children and parents with fun activities and social gatherings. In addition to building community through these events and activities, we generate funds which help enrich the school.

Through the donations raised by events held over the years, we have funded a range of things from playground equipment to much needed resources including books, science equipment, and teaching walls. Our initial focus this year will be to provide funds for playground sports equipment and music lessons for the children.

We don’t need to tell you that the school’s budget is tighter than ever so we need to step up and help where we can. Running a charity is no small task, however we know that with the fantastic school community that surrounds Manland and its families we will make the coming year a happy one.

If you have questions, ideas or just want to know more please get in touch with any of the team or you can email us at

Key Contacts



James Bedingfield


Grainne Arnold

Vice Chair

Ben Heineike


Polly Seale




Jo Hughes

Year 1

Dani Mash

Year 2

Louise Smith

Year 3

Lisa Booth

Year 4

Kimberley Mitchell

Year 5

Tracey Pritchard

Year 6

How can you get involved?

We always welcome volunteers and love to hear new ideas for fundraising.  Some parents and carers may also have access to fundraising or sponsorship opportunities through their own business, employer, or other contacts and these can prove to be invaluable. Please direct all fundraising enquiries to James Bedingfield via Classlist or

We also hold Committee meetings once a half term.  Anyone keen to get involved on a more regular basis is most welcome.

We communicate via the Classlist app – – which is also used by the school administrators to communicate with parents and carers.  We organise all our events, share our news & ask for volunteers for events via this app.

How we raise money

One of our main fundraising events is the Festival on the Field, held jointly with Sir John Lawes School. This tribute band concert event started in 2012 and was hugely successful.  This event is run every other year and gets bigger every time!  The next event will take place in July 2024.  Watch out for more details to be shared

Other family fundraising events include a Christmas Bazaar & Summer Fete each year.  We hold events like quiz nights for parents and carers and movie nights, quizzes, and discos for the children.  The HSA is also behind several fund-raising activities that are not related to events. These include Christmas cards and tea towels for schools and selling house T-shirts, to name a few.

Please click here for a list of events happening during the academic year 2022-2023.

What do we spend it on?

In 2020 / 2021:

  • KS2 Playground renovations and equipment £20,946
  • Other school activities and resources £736


In 2021 / 2022:

  • Introduction of reading spine-books £1,412
  • EYFS resources £4,339
  • Science resources £713
  • Gardening resources £300
  • Other school activities and resources £2,596

Make Manland Smile  

If you have not registered yet, a very simple way you can contribute to the schools’ charities is by simply shopping at and registering with one of the two Manland School Charities. Search for: ‘Manland Home And School Association’ or ‘Friends Of Manland’.

Manland Helpers

Several members of the HSA participate in a group called Manland Helpers which organizes small work parties of parents to do jobs around the school on the weekend – painting fences, repairing our ‘Happy Hut’ gazebo, etc.  If you want to join in, contact us or show up at one of the work parties.






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