

At Manland, we are supporting and promoting the Government’s campaign to improve school attendance. Nationally, attendance has dropped since the Covid pandemic and Manland is no exception. The DfE, have said that for most pupils, the best place to be during term-time in is school, surrounded by the support of their friends and teachers. This …


Maths English: Writing Science Computing Art D & T French Geography History Music PE PSHE   RE English: Reading    

Financial Support

In these challenging times, there are various sources of additional support available to families in the local area. Please see the links below If you require assistance with uniform, food or some general advice and support. General Assistance Childcare Eligibility Checker HM Government’s eligibility checker can be found on  This tool enables parents to access …

Key Information



Maths at Manland At Manland Primary School, we use ‘White Rose Maths’ to structure and deliver the National Curriculum, to ensure a progressive, mastery approach to learning.   Maths learning is presented in a variety of contexts and teachers endeavour to share real-world contexts in which mathematics can be used. Concepts are explored through a …

News & Dates

Diary Dates Newsletters Letters Home Twitter

News and Dates

Diary Dates Newsletters Information Sent Home Twitter  

No Access

Our School

As Headteacher at Manland Primary School I am delighted to welcome you to our website which we hope will help you to learn about our school. Manland is a popular, well respected primary school in Harpenden. We are committed to raising standards in all aspects of our children’s education and endeavour to offer learning experiences …



Primary School Applications

The application process for places at primary schools for September 2022 opened on Monday 1 November 2021. This process is for children currently in nursery, born between the dates 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018. Attached is a leaflet providing all the information on how to make a primary school application. The deadline for …




Safeguarding is our number 1 priority at Manland. If a member of our school community ever has a safeguarding concern regarding a pupil, they should contact school and ask to speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Wicks), or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (Mr Comer or Mrs Kemp). Mrs Wicks and Mr …

Sample Page

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! I’m a bike messenger …

Sports Fixtures

Sports Fixtures 2023-24 Sports Fixture Forms Please remember that we expect supporters and players to adhere to the relevant Code of Conduct. Please read them carefully and check that you and your child understand them. You will be asked to select that you and your child to agree to them if they wish to represent …

Sports Forms

General Sports Consent Form Tag Rugby Consent Form – Test (Office Use Only) Tag Rugby Consent Form Year 5/6 Boys’ Football Tournament Consent Form – Test (Office Use Only) Year 5/6 Boys’ Football Tournament Consent Form Netball Rally Consent Form – Test (Office Use Only) Netball Rally Consent Form Year 3/4 Boys’ Football Rally – …


Volunteers   Our school regularly receives support from our wider community and our pupils benefit greatly from the work of our parent and carer volunteers. Safeguarding is Manland’s main priority and Manland has safeguarding guidance in place for all school volunteers. The aim of this guidance is to keep children safe and to also keep …

Welcome to Manland Primary School

Empowering children to lead fulfilling lives

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