The Government has given clear guidance about the role of British values in education. The school leadership team has written this document to help parents and carers to learn more about what the Government’s guidance says and how it is reflected in our school.
In sharing its guidance about British values, the Government reminds us that:
- All people living in England are subject to its law
- The ethos and teaching in all schools should support the rule of English civil and criminal law
- Pupils should be made aware of the difference between the law of the land and religious law
Over time, through learning at home and school, children become increasingly familiar with the values that underpin our society – most recently referred to in educational documentation as ‘British Values’. The government’s documentation outlines four key areas which have been identified for focus when children are learning about British Values.
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Please see below for some real-life examples of how we promote British Values in school.
Individual Liberty
House Captains
Our House Captains form an integral part of promoting British Values at Manland.
At the beginning of the academic year, all children are given their democratic right to vote for who they feel would serve them best as their House Captain. The children fill in ballot papers as shown below:
Once the House Captains have been elected, they get to work straight away. They present assemblies to the whole school to help the children to collectively make important decisions.
One such example is deciding on which new playground equipment to buy. The House Captains created a presentation to show during assembly to explain what the options were. Votes were taken and then the most popular choices were purchased.
House Captains also contribute to school self-evaluation and promote it to the other children. The children are encouraged to share their ideas and to listen to other people’s points of view.
House Captains help to promote British Values to their peers:
House Captains promote special events.
They share their life experience with younger students:
Most importantly, House Captains promote Manland School Values:
House Points
School Council
We demonstrate democracy in action by holding elections for School Council during the Autumn Term of each academic year.
British Values at Manland
The diagram below demonstrates further examples of how we promote British Values at Manland:
Manland Primary School is a supportive, caring community in which we encourage each other to achieve our potential in everything that we do
and that we will all…
Encourage and support other people Care for people, the environment and resources Aim to do our very best in all that we do