Anti Bullying Week
This week, we have been promoting anti-bullying week. The theme for this year was United Against Bullying and the children celebrated ‘What Makes Us Different.’ All of our classes celebrated the week in different ways. Reception class have done some activities where they sorted friendly and unfriendly behaviours, and talked about what we should do if someone is unkind to us. They also thought about who they can go to if they needed help.
Year 1 made pictures of their friends on iPads and Year 2 designed their own odd socks and talked about what made them special in their class assembly today.
Further up the school, Year 3 devised an anti-bully slogan with posters and took turns acting out bullying scenarios and what to look out for. In Year 4, the children discussed how it may feel to be bullied, what they can do if they are bullied, what they can do if they know someone else is being bullied and why people may bully others.
As part of their topic on ‘Celebrating Difference‘, Year 5 have been understanding how rumour-spreading and name-calling can be bullying behaviour and investigated a range of strategies to manage feelings in bullying situations and problem-solving when they’re part of one.
Year 6 have discussed the impact of bullying and ways that they can all support someone who is going through it. They worked in pairs to produce information posters to share their tips for others to follow.