Manland School is committed to the safeguarding of the children, young people, their families and staff. We have an effective culture of Safeguarding; embedded through everything we do. Our main priority is that all of the children in our care feel safe, secure and happy. All staff, governors, volunteers and visitors who come into regular contact with the children have all the relevant Safeguarding checks.
If children feel worried about something, they could…
“Tell a trusted adult or put something in the worry box”-Leo
“Tell a trusted adult, tell your Mum, Dad or carer, or tell a trusted friend (only if you want to)”-Rosie
School attendance
It is essential that all children get to school on time as lessons begin promptly. We have a soft start approach to the beginning of the day and children are able to come and get settled in their classroom. Likewise, it is important that your child is collected promptly at the end of each day and that you contact the school if arrangements change.
It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child attends school every day, unless he or she is unwell. If your child is unwell please contact the school on the first day of absence.
Holidays should be taken during the school breaks and not during term time. Only in exceptional circumstances, permission may be given by the Headteacher for an absence during the school year.
The school monitors each child’s pattern of attendance and punctuality.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
The Department for Education has produced a document called “Keeping Children Safe in Education”. This provides schools with statutory guidance on how to keep pupils safe.–2