At Manland, we strive to provide a rich and varied curriculum which meets the needs of all pupils. Our topics across the school are designed to incorporate a range of knowledge and skills which further the children’s understanding of life in Britain through the ages, as well as, broadening their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Pupils in Reception follow the Statutory Early Years Framework before moving onto the National Curriculum as they move into Year 1.
Subject by subject information can be accessed via the links on the right-hand side of this page. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and the school have “Reading Book Spines” which encourage a love of reading across the curriculum. These can be found on our reading page of the website and reflect the core texts that each year group cover.
As well as stimulating learning experiences being offered in lessons, the children enjoy a wide variety of enrichment activities linked to our subject intents. For example, children are able to visit museums, geographical features and local places of worship. We also have visitors come into school and run a variety of workshops throughout the year.
We pride ourselves on our inclusive approach not just through the curriculum but in all aspects of life at Manland School. Consideration of fundamental British Values is at the heart of what we teach so that we actively promote equality, prevent discrimination and foster good relations. Our aim is to ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion are embedded throughout the curriculum, together with our whole school values, “Inspiration, Aspiration and Responsibility”. Teaching staff promote a positive representation of people with SEND and use resources that reflect the cultural diversity of the country in which we live as well as our local community.
All pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum where reasonable adjustments are made for those that need them, in order to ensure that we remove barriers to pupil achievement. Teachers at Manland have high expectations of all of their pupils and offer appropriate support so that no child is disadvantaged. The quality of teaching and learning is regularly monitored by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that high standards of teaching is maintained throughout the school. If you would like further information on how we achieve this, please refer to our SEND and Inclusion Policy.
How can parents and carers find out more about our curriculum?
For further information about our curriculum coverage, please refer to the Intent documents on our website. These can be found on the subject pages (showing progression of skills and knowledge in each subject area) and on the class pages (showing progression of skills and knowledge within each year group).