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Our Safeguarding Team

At Manland we have a Safeguarding Team who work with our pupils, families and outside agencies. They also support all of the staff in ensuring we provide the best care for our pupils. Safeguarding is our number 1 priority at Manland.

If a member of our school community ever has a safeguarding concern regarding a pupil, they should contact school and ask to speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Wicks), or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (Mr Comer or Mrs Kemp). Mrs Wicks and Mr Comer are also trained in Safer Recruitment.

The following methods of communication are available to reach a DSL or DDSL:
Telephone: 01582 713452 – please ask to speak to a DSL or DDSL
Office: Please come to the office hatch and ask to speak to a DSL or DDSL
**New​**: By emailing the DSL and DDSLs:
As a reminder, safeguarding concerns regarding pupils should only ever be discussed with a member of the Safeguarding Team (Mrs Wicks, Mr Comer, Mrs Kemp). Please do not discuss any details of your concern with other members of staff or parents.

Our Safeguarding Governor is Chris Wardle who monitors that the school meets all statutory requirements in regard to Safeguarding. Our deputy Safeguarding Governor is Libby Montgomery.

All of the adults in our school help to keep children safe. 

They lock the doors and gates.  They’re out at playtime and lunchtime.  They’re always around. They do fire alarm practices”     -Alex

They shut the gates.  You can’t get in from the outside-the office has to tell people.  They give you fire practices”-Emma 

They keep you safe by always looking out for people”-Rosie

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